Scrap of paper? Do not dishonor me with such an unflattering name. My name is Tobi!
Tobi is a sentient prayer slip inscribed with the four kanji 陏身保命 (mind your body; preserve your life). He was created to be the gatekeeper of Oni Island but his true passion is racing.
During Amaterasu's incursion to the Oni Island to defeat Ninetails, Tobi challenges her to a series of racing minigames. After Amaterasu wins the final race, Tobi dies and disintegrates, being stripped of his life for abandoning his post as gatekeeper, though he states that he died without regret, doing the one thing he loved. When he dies, much like other demons, he turns into flora. However, unlike other demons, Tobi only turns into a single flower, not a large cluster.