Ōkami Wiki

Glaive wielded by eight-armed beast god. Grants ink bullet power.

in-game description

Eighth Wonder

(「八握剣」?; Yatsuka no Tsurugi; lit. "Sword that spans eight grips"[1][2][3]) is the fourth Divine Instrument of the Glaive class Amaterasu obtains. It is the second most powerful Glaive, only surpassed by Thunder Edge. It has the powerful slashing strike of the Glaive class of Divine Instrument, and also grants Amaterasu the ability of Ink Bullet when equipped.


Eighth Wonder can be bought for Template:Yen200,000 from the merchant Gengo in Ponc'tan or the merchant at Kamiki Village in the past.


  • The original Japanese name for Eighth Wonder is an indicator of the sword's length. This is reputably one of the ten divine gifts given to Emperor Jinmu from the Sun Goddess Amaterasu before his eastern campaign[citation needed].
File:Eighth Wonderingame.png

Eighth Wonder equipped by Amaterasu in Ōkami

